Conditionals Pt. 3

In part 3 of the series on conditionals, Justin picks up where part 2 leaves off, introducing an alternative theory of conditionals: the strict conditional theory. According to the strict theory, conditionals express necessary connections between their antecedent and consequent. Justin shows how this theory avoids the problems facing the material conditional theory. However, the strict theory turns out to face a similar problem of its own!

Associate Professor of Philosophy at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

I am an associate professor of philosophy at MIT. Before coming to MIT, I did my graduate work in philosophy at Yale, and was an undergraduate at UC-Davis.

I work mainly in philosophy of language and philosophical logic, on topics that lie at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics. I also have research interests in metaphysics and meta-ethics. Those curious to learn more about my work may want to check out my interview with 3:AM magazine.

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